Saturday, July 20, 2013

Boots and Pearls: A Classy Impression.

You learn A LOT of important lessons in life. You learn A LOT of important lessons in your first few weeks of work. You learn A LOT of important lessons on business trips. 

What did I learn this week????

1. Always consider the giant puddles that may exist in your parking lot.............. always bring extra shoes. Toms may or may not be a good choice for a day following a giant rainstorm.
2. Leave a rain jacket/umbrella in your car, you WILL at some point or another get caught in the rain at lunch. A word to the wise, rain doesn't mix well with dress clothes.
3. Eat salads, chips, celery, and all other crunchy food items AWAY from your cubicle. Why? If you don't, you will be slowly chewing to try to not let your office mates hear you. Your stomach will probably start growling then and you will cause even more distraction then before! Just speaking from experience.

This week we went on a business trip, let me lend some friendly advice on traveling.....

4. Plan out your outfits from top to bottom including jewelry before packing.
5. ALWAYS pack several sweaters (even if it is summer). It may WILL be like the Polar Arctic in hotel conference rooms.
6. When they say bring comfortable shoes, they literally mean comfortable shoes.
7. Going off of 6, invest in several decent pairs of shoes, you won't regret it.
8. If you can dress casual, remember you are still at a work function, dress 2 steps up from your normal lounge-around-at-home-can't-even-go-to-Walmart attire.
9. Pearls can dress up ANY outfit.
10. For goodness sake, tuck in your shirts!!!!!!!!!!! (unless you are a girl and the shirt isn't a tucking in shirt)
11. Develop your signature thing. Not the party-boy, not the drunk, not the hung-over.... Go for a boots and pearls kind of signature thing. It should be classy, work acceptable, and have a positive spin. It should be YOU, don't become someone else.
12. Get adequate sleep, you don't want to be sleeping in your morning sessions.
13. ALWAYS, I do mean ALWAYS have a first aid kit with you. Those shoes you thought were comfortable from tip number 6 may still create 4 bleeding blisters on your poor feet. Ever had to shove your blistered toes in boots for the next 2 days? Yeah, I have. Band-aids would have been my best friends.
14. Invest in a small wrist-let or clutch, you don't need to bring your Mary-Poppins-purse to training sessions.

This week we learned a few things on proper etiquette...

15. When meeting someone always stand up, shake their hand, smile, and use your first AND last name. Include some conversational pieces in your introduction (what office you work from, where you graduated from, etc).
16. DON'T chew gum, it is unprofessional. Invest in some mints instead.
17. Don't wear too tight of clothing. Girls, this means you. Just because its "in style" or "cute", it doesn't mean it is business appropriate. You really shouldn't be able to see your undergarment lines through your outfit.
18. Ladies, use a piece to tie your outfit together. Something that changes it from a plain, dull, everyone can wear it outfit to a complete look. (jewelery, sweaters, jackets, shoes etc)
19. Stick to CLASSY jewelery. You don't need to be there with big-ole-clanky-look-at-me pieces.

Some tips on social events.....

20. Let loose a little bit, its okay to have fun!
21. Make friends!!! Build your connection links across the country!
22. Sing some karaoke, it shows you can have some fun.
23. It's okay to decline those drinks for a diet coke instead.
24. Be careful eating wings or ribs if you are wearing a white dress shirt.

One last piece of advice....
25. Be a CLASSY version of yourself. Have a good time, smile, and laugh. Enjoy yourself. Just remember that those impressions will last forever. Make it classy.

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