Thursday, March 6, 2014

Sparkle A Little Brighter

So often we are caught up in the craziness we call life. I would suppose that's where I have been and unfortunately, blogging and "living life" tend to take the back burner. 

Dreaming? Yeah, that something that happens when I sleep. "Dream job" yeah, that's only for children. Or is it?? If someone asked you TODAY what your dreams were, do you even have an answer? When was the last time you actually at and allowed yourself to dream about your life, your future? Probably years is my guess.

My sister and brother-in-law have adopted the word "dream" into their everyday vocabulary. You see, when you hold the key to financial and time freedom for people, dreaming becomes possible. Dreaming becomes highly encouraged. As we begin to change lives around the world, we see parents coming home from work for their kids full-time, we see families pulling themselves out of debt, we see couples fighting for their futures, we see students start to come out of college debt free; we are seeing people's dreams come true. 

Unfortunately the common life doesn't put its stamp of approval on living life for YOUR dreams. The expectation is that you finish school, get a degree, then find a job where you get up and go to work 8-12+ hours a day. Your family? Not an accepted priority. Chances are, you are either in debt financially so far over your head that you can't begin to see a way out OR you have such a problem finding time for your husband or wife, your kids, or anyone important in your life for that matter. 

Snap out of it. Do something to change your circumstances. Take some time out of your day today to sit down and begin to dream. And don't let anyone tell you that you can't, that its dumb, that its pointless; don't let alone convince you that you aren't worth it. You are important. 

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