Thursday, August 15, 2013

Real Talk: Make the Most of Your Energy

1 day short of completing surviving 6 weeks in the business world. We have already chatted about the various things I have faced: the gallons of coffee consumed, the everyday "lunch goers", the stubborn pastries that always seem to lurk in the kitchen, and more coffee- its EVERYWHERE.

There is a common phrase used at work nearly ALL the time: "Make the most of your energy".

Okay cool. Go get your coffee, your donut, and settle in for a quick lesson. (After all, this may be your last cup of nasty bitter coffee and your last 500 calorie pastry.)

Make the most of your energy huh? What does that even mean? What energy? Do you wake up everyday dragging, hitting snooze 10 times, skipping breakfast, drinking enough coffee in a day to fill a pool??? Is that you??? Yeah, that's what I thought. Listen close, that was me. Well, that still somewhat is me. BUT here is the thing, I have been doing A LOT of reading on healthy eating, balanced eating, how to increase your energy, how to balance everything, and more. Well it all comes down to one thing........ fuel. Do you fill your car with koolaid? Do you give your baby pop? (if you answered yes to that, we need to make an intervention). No, I didn't think so. So let me ask you a question, why are you fueling yourself with things that your body doesn't want or doesn't need???? Lets face it, technology has come SO far but so has the modification of food. Isn't it sad that you have to decide between regular or organic fruit?? Fruit is fruit, well it should be anyways.

No, I am not a doctor, No I didn't study nutrition. I am just like you, I have the ability to use the internet and the local library to research about healthy eating. Nearly a year ago, I made a BIG change and dropped 10lbs and an overall 10 inches, wowzers! Since then, I lightened the floor load a total of 18lbs and a lot of inches.... More important than the weight was the way I felt. I said it before and I will say it again, what college kid do you know that gets up to workout at 5:30/6 am?? Yeah, not very many (if any). I am not perfect, I ate too many twizzlers on my roadtrip this summer (Cori and I like to refer to our lack of ab definition as "them twizzler abs" from our roadtrip). I went from eating almost no processed food to being a muncher. My body noticed... a lot. I am back to working out and on the road to eating what my body NEEDS. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of things that aren't persay "fuel" but the key is moderation. I don't need chips everyday, simple as that.

You have to be the one to make the decision. You have to want it. It probably won't be easy. You probably will stumble and fall, but you can get back up. I can't want it more then you, YOU have to want it for yourself. Once you make that decision, IT'S GO TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Ready to make some changes?? Email me at and lets chat.

“We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better.”
-C. JoyBell C

I have been asked to share how I plan out my weekly meals/eating along with workouts, I am currently working on how exactly I want to roll out all of that so stay tuned for blog posts coming soon!!!

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