"I worked 80 hours this week!"
"I worked 60!"
"I traveled ALL week"
Chances are, if you work in the business world, you have heard at least one of these statements, if not all of them. Lets take a minute and ponder something....
What does success mean to you?
Does success mean spending 80 hours at work? Does it mean going in early and staying late? Does it mean working your Saturday and Sunday away? If so, well I guess you can stop reading now. If the things that came to mind include spending time outside of work on yourself, family, friends, your spouse, your kids etc then maybe you should read on....
As if summer wasn't crazy enough in everyone's life, this summer was ESPECIALLY crazy in my life. Between graduating college, going on a roadtrip with friends, a trip with my parents, a volunteer mission trip, moving, starting a REAL career job, and welcoming my nephew into the world, it has been quite the whirlwind! However, this weekend I took some time and spent most of my Saturday at the zoo!! We had a LOT of fun watching all the animals, laughing at all the exhibits, and taking 350 pictures (okay maybe that was just me). Having a day outside in the sun, walking around, and doing something I enjoy was such a good way to enjoy my time away from the working world.
But really, my point is work life balance. My parents always taught us that if you work hard, you can play hard. Both of my parents have always worked extremely hard but have always made a point to spend time with us growing up. We ALWAYS had family dinners around the table. We ALWAYS spent the weekends together: at home, camping, boating, hunting, etc. Owning their own business, they obviously put in more then 40 hours a week but they always make sure to balance family life with work.
Don't get me wrong. You, especially as a new employee, need to put your time in. You must work hard, be early, and even stay a little late. But you have to keep yourself healthy too. Working 80 hours a week is going to run your body into the ground and FAST! But hey, if that is your thang, don't let me stop you.
In college, I wasn't always the best at balancing school work with a social life but senior year, I finally found what worked for me. I have always been pretty active. Working out always seemed appealing but I was guilty of the "I don't have time for that" the first 3 years of college. But senior year of college, something changed for me. I guess maybe the fact my fast metabolism started to slow down and I gained a few pounds may have been a bit of a turning point but more then that, I was tired of feeling tired. I started getting myself out of bed at 5:40am and to the gym by 6:00am. For a college kid, that is nearly unheard of. But it made a HUGE difference in my day. I was on a schedule, I went to bed consistently, I ate healthier, and I felt SO much better. I have a lot of thanks to my sister and brother-in-law for sparking that change for me.
Adjusting to a full time working schedule without homework at night and a whole different set of challenges have been things I needed to hurdle (you can read my past blogs for some of those). I can confidently say going into week 6 of the working world, I seem to have a handle on my new schedule. I am planning out my meals, my workouts, and my clothes for the week on Sunday afternoons. I get up and make myself a real breakfast, I track my food throughout the day, and I workout after work. Some days it doesn't work out as I plan but for the most part, it seems to be the key. Okay so maybe you aren't as organized as I am BUT I can assure you that a little planning goes a LONG way in having a better week.
You have to find something that works for you. I have noticed that a lot of people watch TV to unwind at night. My Mom likes to sew at night, my coworkers watch TV, some people are internet surfers. I am a gym goer. I like to work of some stress from the day. I like to push myself. I like to be up and moving from sitting at a desk all day. But like I said, you have to do what works for you!!!!! But maybe consider something that betters yourself....
Questions for me?? Email me at thebloomingace@gmail.com
Have a SPARKLING week!!!
“Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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